Sunday, January 6, 2019

WJ Fuller -- more on my grandfather

Some new documentary sources have opened up:

Feb 24, 1908. Engineers' Club of Toronto Annual Banquet. WJF gets credit on the very last line as "chairman of the rooms committee."

Feb 29, 1908. An interesting note on the "Sovereign Bank of Canada at Thedford" being taken over by the Bank of Commerce with "Mr. W.J. Fuller as manager." Other branches of the bank (Chatham, Goderich, Ottawa, Toronto, and Windsor) were also taken over. The branches at Ilderton, Lambeth, Sandwich, and Throndale and closed. This note is in "The montary times, trade review and insurance chronicle." I'm not sure if this is the same W.J. Fuller.

December 1908. "The Railway and Marine World" reports on that "W.J. Fuller, assistant to J.G. Sing, Dominion Government Engineer, Toronto, advocated the extension of Toronto harbor to include Ashbridge's Bay, and the construction of additional dockage facilities, covering th whole of the bay."

Jan 24 1909. There as an annual outing of the Engineer's Club, between July 15 and 16 1908. It was a railway trip from Toronto to Peterborough, followed by a sail through the "Trent Valley Canal" to Bobcaygeon. The event was organized by J.G. Sing, president of the club and WJF's mentor. WJF is mentioned as a member of the executive committee.

June 5, 1908. Announcement of WJF's election to the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers as an Associate Member.

December 24, 1908. There is an odd reference to an agricultural prize at the Provincial Winter Fair. Apparently "W.J. Fuller" of Leadmington won some sort of prize for "Corn, 10 Ears, any 9-rowed variety." This is all in the "Farmer's Advocate and Home Magazine."

Jan 29, 1909. WJF's famous piece on Toronto Harbor.

Feb 5, 1909. WJF is noted as attending the annual meeing of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers.

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